mardi 11 décembre 2012

Suzan Reese Horvitz
Technique mixte, image photocopique, photoshop, peinture, sur panneau de verre doré.

Suzan Horvitz, a painter, holds a BFA and MA from University of the Arts. She holds a Doctorate in College Teaching of the Fine Arts from Columbia University, NYC. Horvitz was Executive Director from 1976 to 1997 and Founder of NEXUS/Foundation For Today’s Art. Horvitz collaborates with her partner Robert Roesch on large-scale public and corporate art projects. In 2002, they completed a commission for the South Eastern PA Transportation Authority for 2 light rail shelters at the Philadelphia Zoo. Horvitz has received several Fellowships from PA Council on the Arts, Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation, grants from National Endowment for the Arts and a Masterworks Fellowship from The Center For Creative Glass. She had a one-person exhibition at the Gulbenkian Museum, Portugal. She has had one -person exhibitions and is in the permanent collections of the Fyns Kunstmuseum, Denmark, Utah Museum, Museum of Greater Victoria, and Musée d'Art Contemporain in France. Her work has also been exhibited in and is in the permanent collection of the Musée d’Art Moderne, Paris, Corning Museum, Museum of American Glass, and Glasmuseum, Denmark. As a Cultural Specialist for the US State Department – Horvitz has had exhibitions of her artwork and lectured in South America, the Far East and the Middle East.


1977/73 Columbia University, NY, Doctorate-College Teaching/Fine Arts
1975/77 Temple University, Educational Admin., Psycho-educational processes
1972/68 University of the Arts, MA Painting 
1961/63 George Washington Univ., Washington, DC Graduate Fine Arts -Painting
1960/61 New York University graduate Fine Arts Program, Advanced Sculpture
1960/56 University of the Arts, BFA

© Image Suzan Reese Horvitz

Documents : Blog Suzan Reese Horvitz

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